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Thank you! Thank you! For a very long time my daughter has been feeling as if she had no meaning or purpose for her life. Ron gave me a free copy of his eBook and I let my daughter read it. Her transformation is wonderful. She now feels like she has meaning, purpose and a reason for being. I encourage anyone to read about the "Sixteen Weapons". (Note from Ron: Find the Sixteen Weapons link on the webpage menu bar and you priceless ladies read "Get Rich Ladies Only" also.)

I loved the website... powerful to anyone who intentionally or accidently reads it. I always get a kick out of people who stumble "accidently" into God and His Word. Little do they know that there are no accidents in God's plan!!!

I agree the up coming money issues ain't gonna be pretty. Thanks for the knowledge and understanding you show for our protection and things our pastors should be paying attention to.

Ron, hope all is well. I have read 89 pages so far want to let you know that is some of the finest reading I have ever read. Your knowledge, understanding, and interpretation of the word is right on. I want to buy 5 copies. I think everybody needs to read it. Thank You for sharing. John M

Thanks Ron, I didn't know we really are overcomers. Over the years I just heard it, but you explained it very clearly. Thanks again. I hope every Christian reads your book.

Gadfrey it must have been scary when Jesus told you to follow the sun not knowing where you were going, taking your family, or what all was being given up. Wow!

Now I know what our weapons not being carnal really is. It really means something to me now.

Your honest approach to the Word and wining is amazing. We have lots of power and must be responsible.

I'm guessing most everyone takes health, wealth, and relationships for granted like I did. I think the Christian community better sit down, lay back, and get a grip. Things are changing in our world. We better get our definitions right.

How did you get so much and get it written down? Your eBook will certainly change lives.

The depth you go into showing how to live a victorious life is amazing. Now I understand what favor is. I'll say this, favor is not lip service.

There is so much junky stuff out there. It must be hard for a Pastor to get past the trash the world puts in people's minds and replace it with truth?

I didn't know we had so many options availabe so we can live full lives........

You are dead set right about where we are now and what is coming. Being prepared is vitally important. I'm telling my friends to read your book.

I never heard health, wealth, and relationships explained like you do. I thought on it and believe you are right. As a family man knowing the truth is comforting.

Thanks I got relief reading your book. My family experienced attacks from a cult also. I have vowed the same vow you did and praise God it is working!

I liked the part where you put your plane into a stall.

I liked the story of the angels the night your dad died. I'm sure his death was tough, but I bet your reward was and still is immeasurable.

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